Context: Heritage Objects, in addition to other relevant entities, has been published on the Web using Linked Open Data – LOD – technologies. These collections have great cultural value because they resulted from a curation process carried out by these institutions, their own social mission. Many of them relate to other topics and web resources, such as authorities, related historical event sites, online intersites or articles on Wikipedia and its siblings DBpedia and Wikidata. The full potential of such published initiatives using LOD technologies largely depends on such digital objects being integrated, related to each other and to other entities in the cultural realm, such as authors, creators, themes, events, histories and places. Such integration is not “a priori”, it is a posterior to the process of publishing objects of such collections as LOD and defines new resources and narratives to go through, thus forming new digital, autonomous and permanent objects. Within these contexts vocabularies and classification schemas are useful as they provide meaning and context to heritage data
Problem: How to integrate digital objects from these collections with each other and with other digital resources, in order to create new, curated information resources, with greater cultural value, such as exhibitions, classes, museums or virtual libraries on themes, characters or cultural or historical events? What vocabularies/ontologies would be useful to integrate objects and other existing entities in the ecology of culture in order to form new and digital permanents such as exhibitions and virtual ones of high cultural value?
Theoretical Framework: themes: Curatorship, Digital Curation; Objects of Memory and Culture, Objects of Memory and Digital Culture; Models, entities, their attributes and relationships in the digital cultural space, already existing, foudational ontologies; representation, linked open data technologies.
Objectives: This project aims at integrate previously developed comprehensive schemes – a curation model for Culturally Relevant Relationships between heritage objects (CRR) and a Type of Heritage Object (TOP) classification scheme, besides other vocabularies/ontologies – into a curation model for integrate memory and digital culture to other existing entities in the digital culture space so that this result can be transformed into permanent, authorial, accessible and reusable resources.
Methodology: bibliographic and documentary creation, collection of definitions of memory and culture, identification and analysis of use cases, identification in the literature or a set of use cases for the integration of memory and culture objects with each other and with other entities in the cultural realm, modeling of these use cases, identification of their properties and other ontologies/models such as CIDOC CRM, EDM, HiCO, CiTO, DCAT, PROV-O and D-Acts, web annotations, the model of micropublications and eventually, other vocabularies/ontologies identified throughout this research, and formulation of queries, which would be answered with use cases modeled.
Keywords: heritage objects, GLAM, digital curation, classification, culturally relevant relationships, linked data.
The CRR Vocabulary – Culturally Relevant Relationships between heritage objects
A Vocabulary of Culturally Relevant Relationships between digital heritage objects to be used by digital curators to interlink digital heritage objects thus forming a curated knowledge graph despite the heritage institution who owns the object.
Curadoria de Dados de Pesquisa – Projeto VODAN-Br – Virus Outbreak Data Network -, GT Metadados e proveniência – incio 2021. Em parceria com a FIOCRUZ/ICICT e UNIRIO
Contexto: O acesso aberto aos resultados da pesquisa é um dos aspectos mais significativos da ciência na atualidade. O Projeto VODAN-Br – Virus Outbreak Data Network – https://portal.fiocruz.br/en/vodan-brazil – visa criar uma rede internacional de dados sobre epidemias de doenças viróticas, com especial foco atualmente na COVID-19. O projeto VODAN-Br tem como objetivo específico fornecer uma infraestrutura no Brasil capaz de possibilitar às unidades de saúde a coleta e gerenciamento de dados de pacientes infectados pela COVID-19. Estes dados são coletados segundo um formulário, o CRF – Case Report Form – padronizado pela OMS – Organização Mundial de Saúde, https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/3rd-edl-submissions/who_crf_postcovid_feb9_2021.pdf?sfvrsn=76afd14_1&download=true. O Projeto tem um forte componente de pesquisa para viabilizar esta infraestrutura. Conta também com a colaboração de várias instituições, além da FIOCRUZ, a UFRJ, a UNIRIO, hospitais como Hospital Municipal São José, Hospital Gaffré e Guinle, entre outros. Estamos cooperando com o projeto VODAN-Br no Grupo de Trabalho de Metadados de Proveniência.
Questão: Que metadados de proveniência agregar aos dados coletados segundo o CRF para viabilizar e incentivar seu reuso?
Objetivo: Propor um conjunto de metadados de proveniência a serem agregados aos dados clínicos de hospitais brasileiros a serem disponibilizados em repositórios de dados de pesquisa, para facilitar e incentivar o reuso destes dados.
Metodologia: 1- levantamento bibliográfico e documental de casos de uso semelhantes, de ontologias e vocabulários de metadados de proveniência que possam ser usados no projeto brasileiro; 2- questionários/entrevistas junto a pesquisadores brasileiros sobre que metadados seriam importantes e significativos para serem agregados aos dados clínicos com origem nos hospitais conveniados para facilitar e incentivar seu reuso.
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